I’ve always loved dictionaries – all types. Synonyms and Antonyms. Signs and Omens; Fowlers; Writers & Editors; Quotations and, when I was translating a French erotic novel, a dictionary of French slang. So when I heard about Amanda Lees’ From Aconite to Zodiac Killer A Dictionary of Crime I was eager to add it to my collection! And as a crime writer it was obviously right up my street. After all there could come a time when I really needed the definition for:
Hempen widow – woman whose husband has been hanged… Watch my next book.
Seriously though Amanda Lees book is perfect for lovers of crime in books, TV and film. If you struggle with police ranks and who is more senior, it’s covered here. If you’re confused by prisoner’s slang, the explanation lies within these pages. Plus there are comprehensive entries on who’s who in the US police and US slang.
From Aconite to the Zodiac Killer will take you on a canter through the alphabet explaining acronyms and jargon as well as providing a grounding in the justice system, firearms and poisons.
Whether you’re reading, watching or even writing crime, Ms Lees dictionary with prove a valuable companion.
From Aconite to the Zodiac Killer A Dictionary of Crime is available from Amazon and book shops.