Today I’m delighted to welcome Ray Clark, an award-winning Yorkshire-born author. Ray’s published work includes short story collections, horror novels, stand-alone cross genre novels and crime. The highly acclaimed IMP series, featuring detectives Gardener and Reilly in the Yorkshire city of Leeds, begins with IMPURITY, now published by The Book Folks.

Hi Ray how lovely to see you here. What can I get you at the bar?
R: That’s an easy one. A nice cold glass of Chardonnay, and you must take one for yourself.
I shall, thank you. The last time we met was towards the end of 2019 when we had a very enjoyable lunch together in Covent Garden but where did we first meet in real life?
R: That would have been the 2017 CrimeFest in Bristol – in the bar of course. I was quite surprised because you saw me and stood up and came over and the first thing you said was, “I didn’t realise you were here.” I was quite flattered because I didn’t realise anyone knew who I was – let alone I was there.
That’s me with my journalist’s hat on. First impressions?
R: You were the first author I’d met over the weekend from the same publishing house. I felt immediately relaxed in your company and I really enjoyed chatting to you about all sorts of things.
Always good to talk. Points in common?
R: I think the obvious one was a love of stories and books, writing in similar genres, and the fact that we worked for the same publisher.
In fact we shared two publishers as we’ve both been published by Endeavour – now Lume Books. Thinking of festivals, what would be your dream panel (at any event) – subject, fellow panelists or a Q&A with someone you have met or would love to meet?
R: I love the idea of a dream panel. I would firstly choose Peter James because of his wealth of experience in film and books. Graham Masterton would be another. I love his writing style and storytelling ability. I would also like Nigel McCrery, the author of New Tricks and Silent Witness, and the DCI Mark Lapslie thrillers. And I think a very good moderator would be you, yourself, Anne. You also have considerable experience in the industry, and you’re very good at settling people down.
A great panel and thank you for the compliment! Tell me about your latest book which has just been published.

R: That would be Impression, featuring D.I. Gardener and D.S. Reilly, the fourth in my IMP series published by The Book Folks.
R: My detectives are called out to a housing estate at midnight and find a woman pinned to the floor with a bayonet. Before they have a chance to investigate, another corpse is found three miles away, with a connection. And that is just the start!
I’ve enjoyed the previous three IMP books so I’m looking forward to reading this one. What are you working on now?
R: I’ve also just finished the edits for a new book (the second) in the paranormal thriller series, called Spirit, and I’m really pleased that my publisher, Erik Empson of The Book Folks is more than happy to read the series, but no date for publication yet.
Lockdown has affected us all in different ways. What are you most looking forward to when it is finally lifted?
R: A couple of things: the first being a quiet meal out with friends, a chance to catch up. The second is a return to the music scene. I’ve been a musician for forty years. It’s in my blood and I find entertaining exciting. It’s live and you never know what is going to happen. Sadly, lockdown has killed that off completely.
Is there anything this pandemic has made you think about/want to do?
R: If it’s made me think about anything, it’s the fact of how lucky I am not to have caught it, and perhaps the sterling job that the NHS are doing in such dire circumstances and under such inhuman pressure. I think it’s taught me patience: standing in a line for your shopping is something new to the British public, that and the fact that you don’t have to rush anywhere these days. If it’s made me want to do anything, it’s that when things return to normal I should live life to the full and take nothing else for granted.
I’ll drink to that, Ray. Thank you so much for joining me here and I look forward to the next time we meet for lunch.
You can find out more about Ray Clark’s books here and follow him on Twitter @T1LOM