Kelly Florentia was born and bred in north London, where she continues to live with her husband Joe, and where her novels The Magic Touch, No Way Back, Her Secret the last two published by Urbane Publications, are set. Before penning her debut, she wrote for women’s magazines – To Tell a Tale or Two is a collection of her short tales. In January 2017, her keen interest in health and fitness led to the release of Smooth Operator – a collection of twenty of her favourite smoothie recipes.

Hi how lovely to see you in my virtual cocktail lounge, Kelly. What can I get you at the bar?
K: Hi Anne, thank you so much for inviting me over. I’ll have a gin and tonic, please. A large one.
A woman after my own heart! I feel I’ve known you for ages but we’ve never met in real life, have we?
K: No we met (virtually) on Twitter shortly after I signed with Urbane Publications.
I remember it well! First impressions?
K: I’ve been told that I’m a very good judge of character. I thought you were lovely and I was right!
Apart from a publisher, do we have any other points in common?
K: A love of writing and reading. I enjoy going to the theatre, too, whenever I can. We both live in London and I think we may both be a little bit addicted to social media.
And we’ve both written collections of short stories. Tell me about your last book?

K: My latest published book is Her Secret (Urbane Publications). It’s the second instalment in the Audrey Fox series, although it can be read as a standalone. I don’t know about you, but I feel a bit bereft when I finish a novel, so it was a joy to reconnect with all the characters from No Way Back whilst penning Her Secret. I’d describe it as a romantic drama with a thriller-esque edge. It’s set in Muswell Hill, north London, and is about real, ordinary people, warts and all. It’s based around the consequences of rushing into marriage and includes secrets, obsessions, old flames, and shoes! Audrey loves her Louboutins and her new husband loves buying them for her. But, of course, that can never be enough… can it?
I did enjoy reading Her Secret. What are you working on now?
K: I signed a book deal with Bloodhound Books a few weeks ago for my fourth novel, so I’m very excited about that. It’s a fast-paced psychological thriller with plenty of twists and turns, and it publishes next February. Currently, I’m working on book five, another psychological thriller. I’m at that exciting stage of planning and plotting and creating characters. I’m more of a planner than a panster. I can’t get excited about a story until I’ve figured out the ending. I then take the most exiting route there! That said, the plot often changes once I get into the crux of the story and inside the character’s heads.
Well that’s where we differ as I rarely plan as I write. But tell me what would be your dream panel (at any event) – subject, fellow panelists or a Q&A with someone you have met or would love to meet?
K: My dream panel would include Tammy Cohen, Alex Michaelides and S.J. Watson. All three authors wrote outstanding débuts, which I devoured in days. Their psychological thrillers are so intense and twisty and intriguing. As you know, Before I Go to Sleep has already been adapted into film and The Silent Patient is due on the big screen. I think that all novels have the potential to be made into films or TV dramas. The Mistress’s Revenge by Tamar Cohen remains a firm favourite of mine, and I’d love to see it on the box one day.
Now that lockdown has been eased, what are you most looking forward to?
K: Getting my hair cut, although husband has told me that he likes it long now! Going out for dinner with family and friends, although I know that won’t be happening for quite a while. Going to the library to get away from it all and write in peace!
Is there anything lockdown has made you think about/want to do?
K: Live in the moment and worry less about the future, especially the what-ifs and things I can’t change.
K: Thank you so, so much for inviting me over, Anne, I’ve really enjoyed our chat!
It’s been a real pleasure.
You can find out more about Kelly Kelly Florentia here and follow her on Twitter @kellyflorentia