Welcome to fellow Urbane author David Barker whose debut novel, Blue Gold, was released in 2017, followed by Rose Gold, 2018and White Gold, 2019forming the Gaia trilogy. He lives in Berkshire with his wife (a picture book author) and daughter.

Hi Dave, how lovely to see you in my virtual cocktail lounge. What can I get you at the bar?
D: A Sea Breeze, please! (Vodka, cranberry juice and grapefruit juice. Very refreshing.)
The last time we met was at your launch for White Gold but can you recall where we first met in real life?
D: I can’t honestly remember, but I think it was probably at a Vanguard Reading night down in Camberwell or Peckham. They were great evenings of established and wannabe authors reading extracts from their latest works over a drink and a pizza. Great fun!
Yes we did. Then later we both read from our books there. First impressions?
D: You were very friendly. And what a fantastic smile. 😊
Any points in common?
D: Both part of the Urbane stable of authors. And we both enjoyed nights out at Vanguard Reading, of course.
Tell me about your latest book?

D: The final part of the Gaia trilogy, White Gold, was out in May 2019. It’s an exciting stand-alone adventure but also draws together several threads from the previous two books, hopefully into a satisfying conclusion.
D: Some readers/reviewers are desperate for a fourth instalment, but I’m giving the main characters a well-deserved break.
What are you working on now?
D: I’ve been working on some children’s fiction since last year but haven’t found a home for the stories yet. (Urbane Publications don’t do children’s fiction.) I’ve also been tinkering with a new darkly comic thriller. If I can get the plot and characters to work, watch this space!
We’ve all been deprived of the books events we love. What would be your dream panel (at any event) – subject, fellow panelists or a Q&A with someone you have met or would love to meet?
D: I would love to have been on a panel with Douglas Adams. I adore his books. He was a genius about many things, so it wouldn’t matter what the discussion was about. Oh, and Gillian Anderson, just because she’s Gillian Anderson.
That’s a bit cheeky but I’ll let you off. What are you most looking forward to when lockdown is finally lifted?
D: Heading to Devon for some time near the sea and enjoying a pint of beer.
Is there anything lockdown has made you think about/want to do?
D: I dug out an old Airfix kit that’s been lurking in the loft for many years and finally started putting it together. It’s a very big and complicated model of a WWII airplane called the Mosquito. No idea what I’m going to do with it once finished!
Well good luck with that! And thank you for joining me virtually!
Follow David Barker on Twitter @BlueGold201 and find out more about his books here.